
Showing posts from February, 2023

Is it true that Cadborosaurus was caught on camera in Nushagak Bay, Alaska

In 2009, there were rumors that a fisherman in Alaska had managed to record a mysterious creature called a Cadborosaurus and submitted the footage to the Discovery Channel. The rumors turned out to be true and today the Discovery channel has aired the recording exclusively. Have we found evidence of the cryptid Cadborosaurus? Can be. Although it is still too far to conclude with certainty. This intriguing footage was taken by a fisherman in Nushagak Bay, Alaska, in 2009, and has been shown on "Hillstranded", a documentary special from the Discovery Channel. In the footage, one (or more) long creatures-like snake are seen swimming in the bay. Its size is approximately 6 to 9 meters with a hump on its back. The creature also spouted water from its back like a whale. This is quite extraordinary because there are no fish that shoot water from their backs other than whales. The creature on the record is clearly not a whale. This is the screen shot of the recording. You can watch f...

Discovery of mysterious artifacts on Mars

 Is there life on Mars? Perhaps this is the most frequently asked question by scientists. Mars itself has been the object of speculation for many people. The first time Mars was observed was in the 17th century. And only 2 centuries later, astronomers noticed the similarity between Mars and Earth. For example, 1-day on Mars is almost the same length as on Earth, which means that Mars experiences seasons like those on Earth. These predictions led to the theory of the existence of a life form on Mars. In 1854, William Whewell, a fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge, issued a theory that on Mars there are seas, land, and even life forms. Theories about life on Mars finally really caught on in the late 19th century when a telescopic observation of the surface of Mars revealed mysterious canals. In 1906, a man named Percival Lowell published a book called Mars, which was followed by the sequel Mars and its canals. In his book he speculates that the canals were built by civilizations tha...

El Chupacabra: Blood sucking dog

 Several researchers investigating UFO sightings in Puerto Rico in the early 1990s received reports from local residents of strange dog-like creatures that frequently attack and suck the blood of livestock. In March 1995, it was stated that eight sheep were found dead with 3 stab wounds to each chest. Not only that, all the livestock were also found in a state of blood that had run out. In 1975, it was actually also reported the killing of similar livestock in the small town of Moca. The killer creature is called El Vampiro de Moca. Vampire from Moca. These livestock killings were initially suspected by satanists. However, the killings continued to occur throughout Puerto Rico and spread to the Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Panama, the United States to Mexico. This shows that the perpetrators are not Satanists. The term Chupacabra was first used by a Puerto Rican comedian named Silverio Perez. He refers to the Spanish word Chupar which means to suck and cabra...

Flying Rod: Mysterious sky fish

  The rod, sometimes referred to as the sky fish, is a new interest in the field of cryptozoology. He is a creature that flies and rotates at high speed so that it is difficult to be seen by the naked eye. The only evidence of the existence of the rod is the image captured by the camera because of its ability to capture movement more accurately. A person named Jose Escamilla was the first person to claim to be the inventor of Rod. He captured the image of Rod flying with the camera when he recorded Base Jumper activities in the Swallow cave, Mexico. Jose Camilla even believed that Rod was a manifestation of UFO so he named his website, from the words Roswell and rods. Roswell is a city in New Mexico which is believed to be the repository of UFO artifacts and alien bodies by the United States government (Area 51). This entity is called Rod because of its stick-like shape. From observations through the camera, it can be concluded that the length of the rod ranges from...

About my blog

  The Taira Unmei mystery blog is a blog that contains reports on world mysteries that I consider unsolved. I limit the topic to only a few categories such as UFOs, Cryptozoology creatures, strange phenomena, mysterious manuscripts, mysterious sites, and other topics that may not be discussed in the mainstream media. Even though I discuss mysteries, you will not find posts about ghosts, jinns, psychics, mysticism, the occult, horoscopes, or predictions on this blog. Also you will not find posts that smell of religious conspiracy theories on this blog because I refuse to use this blog as a tool to ignite as some people mean. Background Reports or writings that I make do not necessarily reflect what I believe. If I write about aliens, that doesn't mean that I believe in aliens. I'm not a psychic. I am not a UFO observer or fan. I'm not a cryptozoologist (but I like cryptozoology) I am not a paranoid conspiracy theorist. I'm just reporting on the mysterious events that ar...