Is it true that Cadborosaurus was caught on camera in Nushagak Bay, Alaska

In 2009, there were rumors that a fisherman in Alaska had managed to record a mysterious creature called a Cadborosaurus and submitted the footage to the Discovery Channel. The rumors turned out to be true and today the Discovery channel has aired the recording exclusively. Have we found evidence of the cryptid Cadborosaurus? Can be. Although it is still too far to conclude with certainty. This intriguing footage was taken by a fisherman in Nushagak Bay, Alaska, in 2009, and has been shown on "Hillstranded", a documentary special from the Discovery Channel. In the footage, one (or more) long creatures-like snake are seen swimming in the bay. Its size is approximately 6 to 9 meters with a hump on its back. The creature also spouted water from its back like a whale. This is quite extraordinary because there are no fish that shoot water from their backs other than whales. The creature on the record is clearly not a whale. This is the screen shot of the recording. You can watch f...