About my blog
The Taira Unmei mystery blog is a blog that contains reports on world mysteries that I consider unsolved. I limit the topic to only a few categories such as UFOs, Cryptozoology creatures, strange phenomena, mysterious manuscripts, mysterious sites, and other topics that may not be discussed in the mainstream media.
Even though I discuss mysteries, you will not find posts about ghosts, jinns, psychics, mysticism, the occult, horoscopes, or predictions on this blog.
Also you will not find posts that smell of religious conspiracy theories on this blog because I refuse to use this blog as a tool to ignite as some people mean.
Reports or writings that I make do not necessarily reflect what I believe. If I write about aliens, that doesn't mean that I believe in aliens.
I'm not a psychic.
I am not a UFO observer or fan.
I'm not a cryptozoologist (but I like cryptozoology)
I am not a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
I'm just reporting on the mysterious events that are happening in the world. Whether you believe it or not, you decide. I'm definitely not going to argue with what you believe!
Writing Type
All posts on this blog include the source of the article along with a link so you can verify it. If no source is listed, it means that the article is not sourced from anywhere.
I do not copy and paste articles from other media. What I do is write based on the news. So if you find an article that is exactly the same as the one on this blog on another blog, then the source must be from this blog.
News Verification
What are hoaxes?
Hoax is an English word that means deception made for the purpose of ridicule or other purposes.
Considering that the contents of this blog contain controversial mysteries, I will use my own judgment (which is of course limited) to judge whether the contents of the news are hoaxes or not. If I believe the news is a hoax, then I will not post it.
How do I verify it?
If we say, "I'm sure it's a hoax!" or "That's HOAXXXXX!" or "no way that could happen!" and others, then that means it's just an OPINION because you have no reason to define it as a hoax.
I will define something as a hoax if:
There are people who admit that it was they who manipulated the object/photo or event supported by evidence.
There is undeniable evidence that the object/photo or event is a hoax, even though no one admits to being the creator.
These two points are what I use to judge something as a hoax or not!
I don't like artificial mystery or artificial hoopla. So the news published on this blog must have passed sufficient assessment and verification of facts.
But if any article or news that I display turns out to be a hoax or deception, I will definitely update it immediately and move it to the hoax category.
Therefore information from readers will be very helpful.
Reader Comments
I do not allow this blog to be used as a venue for debate on matters related to SARA. I also do not allow harsh words, pornography, and provocation. An educated person knows to speak in his place.
I set comments to moderation. So give a positive comment. I do not prohibit comments that promote one's own religion, but I do reject comments that attack other people's religions.
I expect your support...
Thank you
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