Is it true that Cadborosaurus was caught on camera in Nushagak Bay, Alaska

In 2009, there were rumors that a fisherman in Alaska had managed to record a mysterious creature called a Cadborosaurus and submitted the footage to the Discovery Channel. The rumors turned out to be true and today the Discovery channel has aired the recording exclusively.

Have we found evidence of the cryptid Cadborosaurus?

Can be. Although it is still too far to conclude with certainty.

This intriguing footage was taken by a fisherman in Nushagak Bay, Alaska, in 2009, and has been shown on "Hillstranded", a documentary special from the Discovery Channel.

In the footage, one (or more) long creatures-like snake are seen swimming in the bay. Its size is approximately 6 to 9 meters with a hump on its back. The creature also spouted water from its back like a whale. This is quite extraordinary because there are no fish that shoot water from their backs other than whales. The creature on the record is clearly not a whale.

This is the screen shot of the recording. You can watch footage from the discovery channel at the end of this post.

When seeing the creature in the footage, maybe people will immediately associate it with Nessie, the world's most famous cryptid from Lochness, Scotland. However, cryptozoologists who witnessed it found that the creature is more similar to another cryptid, namely Cadborosaurus, which is named after the Cadboro bay in British Columbia, where this type of creature was first discovered.

Paul LeBlond, former head of the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of British Columbia told Discovery News he was very impressed with the footage. LeBlond has helped write a book about Cadborosaurus entitled "Cadborosaurus: Survivor from the deep".

"Even though the footage was shot during a bit of rain and rocking boats, it looks very authentic."

Cadborosaurus itself has the nickname Cadborosaurus Willsi, which means reptile or lizard from Cadboro bay. However, sometimes people just refer to it as Caddy.

This creature is considered a type of sea snake that have a head like a horse, large eyes, and a humped back.

Sightings of creatures like this have been reported for decades. Until finally in 1937 his carcass was found on Queen Charlotte Island, British Columbia. The carcass was found in the stomach of a whale.

Since then, the name Cadborosaurus has become widely known.

The mysterious Cadborosaurus carcass was then examined and concluded to be the carcass of a calf. But this conclusion was rejected by some, including by the workers who discovered it the first time.

Mysteriously, the carcass then disappeared somewhere.

Because of this, the Alaskan record is very important for cryptozoolgysts who wish to re-examine the possibility of this creature's existence.

Many researchers believe that Cadborosarus is a kind of giant eel or Frill Shark (which is indeed shaped like an eel). But LeBlond doubted it because the movement of the creature seen in the recording is not like the movement of a fish.

"It must be that the creature (in the recording) is some kind of reptile or mammal because it oscillates vertically. The fish themselves move left and right."

Of course the only way to determine the identity of the creature is to find the mysterious creature. This recording may be a benchmark for the cryptozoolgyst.

Jim Covel, senior manager at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, summed it up best.

"While we are still discovering many new species in the oceans it is possible for some people to accommodate these thoughts and fill in the gaps with imagination. However, this shows how much scientific exploration is needed."

Who knows, maybe one day the mysterious Cadborosaurus will reappear.

Watch the footage from the Discovery Channel footage below:
