Flying Rod: Mysterious sky fish


The rod, sometimes referred to as the sky fish, is a new interest in the field of cryptozoology. He is a creature that flies and rotates at high speed so that it is difficult to be seen by the naked eye. The only evidence of the existence of the rod is the image captured by the camera because of its ability to capture movement more accurately.

A person named Jose Escamilla was the first person to claim to be the inventor of Rod. He captured the image of Rod flying with the camera when he recorded Base Jumper activities in the Swallow cave, Mexico. Jose Camilla even believed that Rod was a manifestation of UFO so he named his website, from the words Roswell and rods. Roswell is a city in New Mexico which is believed to be the repository of UFO artifacts and alien bodies by the United States government (Area 51).

This entity is called Rod because of its stick-like shape. From observations through the camera, it can be concluded that the length of the rod ranges from 10 cm to 5 meters. And Rod can also control the direction of his flight just like a bird or an insect.

Rods have bodies like thin membranes like jellyfish that cover their axis bones. Some claim that Rod is an as yet unrecognized animal and possibly a flying family of anomalocarids. Some consider that Rod is a UFO manifestation that flies at high speed. Some again think that Rod is a trick created by recording a video and playing back the recording.

Above is Rod caught by a Fox News cameraman filming the Iraq war.

The History Channel once discussed Rod in Monster Quest season 1. At that time, they conducted research using two cameras. One traditional camera and one high-speed camera. The traditional camera captured a passing Rod with flapping wings, while the high-speed camera only caught an insect passing through a field.

But Rod's devotees criticize the theory and say that it is impossible for a traditional camera to capture images with such high clarity as Rod's images around the world.

Below was a pair of Rods that were recorded clearly flying out of the cave.

A white flying rod  near a tree trunk

Rod was caught on a parking lot camera.

Until now, the mysterious Rod is still being debated among scientists and ufologists.

