The Secret of Area 51 Revealed? Veterans Speak Up

The Secret of Area 51 Revealed? Veterans Speak Up

Area 51 is a United States military base located in Nevada whose primary purpose is to support the development of experimental fighter aircraft and weaponry. However, there are rumors that the US government stores the bodies of several aliens and their spacecraft at the site.

Controlled by the Pentagon, Area 51 spans approximately 390 square kilometers and is located 121 kilometers northwest of Las Vegas. It used to be a lake that dried up into a desert.

The name "Area 51" refers to the number "grid" on an old Nevada map. In addition to Area 51, the location is sometimes referred to by other names such as Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, Home Base, Watertown Strip, Groom Lake, and Homey Airport.

Area 51 by Satelite Image

Since the beginning, nobody knew for sure the true purpose of the facility. The shadow of secrecy became stronger when, in 1958, the US Air Force bought up to 155 square kilometers of land around the base to prevent civilians from getting too close.

Then in 1984, they purchased an additional 360 square kilometers.

Not only is access prohibited, but civilian aircraft are also banned from flying over the area.

Employees are selected from the civilian population to work on top-secret projects. They are picked up from their homes on Monday morning and returned home on Friday night. A Boeing 737 without markings will transport them to Area 51, where they will spend 5 days a week.

There are approximately 1,850 employees in total who receive a very generous salary. According to the Scripps Howard News Service, which analyzed US government salary records, Area 51 is "One of the last secret bases in the United States".

The complex features a runway that stretches up to 3,800 meters long. This is even longer than the longest commercial runway in the world.

Additionally, the complex includes employee housing, ammunition warehouses, and four aircraft hangars. Conspiracy theorists believe that one of these hangars, designated "hangar 18," holds the remains of an alien and its spacecraft from the Roswell incident.

At this base, the best engineers in America are trusted to reverse-engineer the alien aircraft technology.

This belief is so popular that even Interstate Highway 375, the toll road that leads to the area, has been renamed the "Extraterrestrial Highway."

In addition to the belief in the presence of aliens, some people also believe that there are underground tunnels and trains leading to secret facilities throughout America beneath Area 51.

As a result, Area 51 has become an object of observation for many people around the world. Groups of people can often be found observing the base from afar. Some of them claim to have seen an aircraft fly from the base at a speed of 10,000 miles per hour before suddenly stopping in mid-air.

For decades, the US government refused to confirm the existence of this facility until one day in 1998, Russian spy satellites obtained photos that confirmed its existence.

The secret base does indeed exist.

It was later revealed that the base has been operating since 1955 and was used to test Lockheed Martin's U-2 spy planes, followed by other fighter aircraft technology. Stealth technology was born here. Spy planes such as the Oxcart (such as the SR-71 Blackbird) and the F-117 were also created and tested at this location.

In other words, this facility produces weapons of the future.

So, the question remains, are there aliens at Area 51?

This question may never be answered.

Every employee working at Area 51 has signed a confidentiality agreement that prevents them from disclosing what they are working on. However, in 2007, the CIA decided to release information about the 50-year-old spy plane OXCART, allowing former Area 51 veteran employees involved in the project to start freely telling their story.

These veterans are members of Roadrunners Internationale, an organization of 325 former Area 51 workers, CIA agents, air force personnel, Lockheed, Honeywell, and other defense contractors.

According to these veterans, Area 51 is indeed shrouded in secrecy, but there are no aliens.

Many people may not believe what they say. However, at least their testimony can provide us with a new perspective on Area 51.

Thornton Barnes
Thornton Barnes

"No one knew we existed," said Thornton Barnes. He was a former special project engineer at Area 51.

"Even our wives didn't know where we went on Monday mornings and where we came back from on Friday nights."

Barnes is a radar specialist and expert in Soviet MIG fighter planes. He also worked at NASA and helped develop America's first rocket, the X-15.

He was invited by the CIA to join a team of experts to handle military projects at Area 51, where he helped develop the A-12 OXCART, a super-secret spy plane made by Lockheed.

According to Barnes, he and his colleagues conducted test flights of the plane up to 2,850 times. The plane was capable of flying at speeds of 2,200 miles per hour (3 times the speed of sound) at an altitude of 90,000 feet.

Its shape is also quite unique, wide and flat because it was designed to carry large amounts of fuel. The body of this plane is made of titanium, so it will reflect sunlight very easily. If the plane flies at high speeds, people on the ground will only see a flash of light.

Lockheed 1

Lockheed Sr71, BlackBird

According to Barnes, perhaps this sighting of light is what started the rumors of UFOs at Area 51.

"In a way, the UFO rumors actually made it easier for us to cover up our real work. We considered it a bonus. If there were UFOs, then we created those UFOs."

In other words, there are no aliens, no planes from distant planets. "Yes, we did do reverse engineering, but not on alien planes, but on foreign planes like the Russian MIG."

Regarding the underground tunnels, Barnes admitted that there were underground tunnels beneath the nuclear test site at Jackass Flat. But there are no underground tunnels connected to facilities elsewhere.

Now, the Oxcart program is no longer classified as a secret, so Barnes and his colleagues are starting to work with universities and government agencies to share their knowledge.

Kenneth Collins
Kenneth Collins

Kenneth Collins, is one of the pilots who flew the OXCART plane. He has his own story.

On May 24, 1963, Collins flew the OXCART plane out of Area 51. He was flying over Utah when the plane crashed. Fortunately, Collins was able to eject with his seat and survived.

Three civilians who saw Collins and his plane quickly approached to help. Until then, no civilians had ever seen the secret plane.

"I told them not to approach the plane. I told them there was a nuclear bomb inside." Collins said.

Afraid, the three men immediately took Collins to the toll road officer. The CIA acted quickly. They immediately covered up the incident by saying that the crashed plane was an F-105 plane belonging to the Air Force.

The three men who helped Collins were then tracked down by CIA agents and asked to sign a confidentiality statement. Not only that, but the CIA even asked Collins to receive a truth serum injection.

"They wanted to know if there was anything I forgot about the events that caused the accident."

So, Collins accepted the offered Sodium Pentothal.

Now, we can imagine what kind of secrecy is being kept by Area 51.

Harry Martin

Harry A Martin, who oversaw the spy plane fuel system for four years, also has his own story.

Harry Martin

According to him, Area 51 is one of the workplaces he will always remember.

"I am very proud of what we have accomplished." He said. "I had never worked with a more outstanding group of people before."

Regarding Aliens and UFOs, he said: "People have their own imagination. We laughed it off."

Hugh Slater
Hugh Slater

Colonel Hugh Slater, was the commander of Area 51 in the 1960s.

According to him, during the 2,850 flight test range of OXCART, the public began reporting many UFO sightings. Even commercial pilots who saw them reported it to the FAA aviation authorities.

"These sightings caused a stir in Nevada and surrounding areas. Then the public demanded to investigate these cases. Project Blue Book was born."

Because this aircraft project was so secretive, only a handful of people knew about it, even within the Air Force itself. Therefore, some generals who did not know what was actually happening thought that Russia was sending its spy planes.

Area 51 and conspiracy theories

These veterans' reports are quite plausible. If America is developing secret weapons, of course, they will keep it secret.

However, according to Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist and UFO researcher, Mr. Friedman was one of the first UFO researchers to popularize the Roswell Incident story in the 1970s.

"These people may be telling the truth. However, it could be because they don't know what actually happened inside Area 51."

So, there is still a possibility of alien corpses and UFOs in the facility.

That's what I like about conspiracy theories. In the world of conspiracy, there is no such thing as a false or true statement. There is only a "cover-up." Every statement will be considered part of the conspiracy.

That's why I believe that the story of Area 51 and aliens will never disappear and will continue to hold a place in many people's hearts.

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