UFOs and Aliens in World History

UFOs and Aliens in World History

 In today's world, when news about UFOs dominates the media, questions arise about whether there are historical records of UFO or alien visits to Earth in the past. I have compiled a list of some ancient art objects or artifacts that are considered to depict UFO or alien visits. Interpretations of these can vary, and unfortunately, we do not have anyone to confirm their authenticity.

 Prehistoric cave paintings in Val Camonica, Italy, possibly dating back to 10,000 BCE, depict two astronaut-like figures.

A 6,000-year-old figurine dressed as an astronaut was found in Kiev.

A 7,000-year-old petroglyph discovered in Queretaro, Mexico, in 1966 shows four figures with raised arms pointing towards a circular object emitting light.

Strange astronaut-shaped statues were discovered in Ecuador.

Thousands of year-old petroglyphs, painted by South American Indian tribes, depict legends of two objects colliding in the air, with one crashing into the Death Valley region. Some people arrived and spent time repairing the damaged object, as witnessed by the local Indian tribe.

Carvings of figures resembling aliens were discovered in Sego Canyon, estimated to be around 5,500 years old.

An 8,000-year-old painting was discovered in Tassili, the Sahara Desert, North Africa.

Two prehistoric cave paintings were discovered in Tanzania and are estimated to be 29,000 years old. The first painting, found in Itolo, depicts several objects resembling flying saucers. The second painting, discovered in Kolo, shows four figures surrounding a woman.

The Wandjina petroglyph from Kimberley, Australia, is 5,000 years old and likely created by the aboriginal tribe.

A painting from a book titled "Survey with Illustrations of the Strange Countries" was written in 1,400 BCE. The accompanying text to the picture reads: "In the land of Ji Gung, its people could make flying cars and travel far if the wind was favorable. In the time of Tarng (1,700 BCE), Ji Gung's people flew a car west towards Yew Jo. Then, the wind came east, and Tarng flew his car back to his country (5,000 km away)."

This painting is a reproduction of an artistic relief found in a labyrinth on Jotuo Island in Lake Toengt'ing, Japan. An expedition led by Professor Tsj'i Pen Lai in 1957 discovered various reliefs of humans dressed in astronaut-like clothing. They also found a painting depicting our solar system, with the third and fourth planets (Earth and Mars) connected by a line. However, the painting includes a tenth planet (Planet X).

an illustration showing a fiery wheel descending in Japan in 900 CE.

The painting "Summer's Triumph" was created in Bruges in 1538 and is currently exhibited in the Bayerisches National Museum. Some saucer-shaped objects are visible in the upper part of the painting.

An illustration shows two Dutch ships in the East Sea witnessing two objects appearing in the sky. The source of this illustration is a book titled Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Admiral Blaeu.

A drawing depicts a UFO sighting above Hamburg, Germany, dated November 4, 1697.

This carving was found on the ceiling of the New Kingdom Temple in Abydos, approximately a few hundred miles south of Cairo. The temple is estimated to be 3,000 years old. The ceiling carvings resemble a helicopter, a submarine, and an airplane.
