Crop Circle - You will understand it in detail !

Crop circles are one of the most interesting mysteries of modern times. Perhaps this is the only mystery that goes hand in hand with beautiful art.

A crop circle, better known as a wheat field circle, is a pattern that appears overnight in a wheat field characterized by the bending of the wheat stalks. At first, crop circles were only in the form of simple circles, but entering the 1980s, crop circles developed to have complex patterns and not just circles.

The term Crop circle was first introduced by Colin Andrew, one of the world's leading crop circle researchers. Maybe many of us don't know about it, but crop circles not only appear in wheat fields, but also in corn fields, tug fields, rice fields, and flower gardens.

History of Crop Circles

The history of crop circles can be traced back to 1678. In that century, there was a woodcut called the "Mowing Devil" which depicts a devil drawing an oval design in a wheat field.

The story may be a little mystical. The farmer, who refused the employer's job demands, said that it was better for the devil to do his job. That same night, the wheat field was seen burning with fire. In the morning a mysterious circle shaped oval appeared in the field.

Whether this is a true story or not, no one can confirm it.

A more modern crop circle report was published in the July 29, 1880 issue of Nature magazine. In that year, a researcher named John Rand Capron reported that wheat plants bent down and formed a circular circle.

Crop Circle - Go Public

Crop circles began to go public in the 1980s when the media reported that many crop circles appeared in rural areas of England, especially in Wiltshire and Hampshire. Simultaneously, with the appearance in England, the same phenomenon was reported in Australia and the United States.

Until now there are at least 12,000 Crop circles that have been found around the world, such as England, Russia, the United States, Canada, and even Japan.

Crop Circle - sign of emergence

According to eyewitnesses, before crop circles appear, there are always strange signs that precede them:

1. There are strange halos of light hovering over the fields.

2. There was a  thunderstorm.

3. Electrical objects suddenly turn off by themselves, including car engines.

Therefore, until now, the most popular scientific theory regarding the alleged cause of the appearance of crop circles is the result of electromagnetic fields originating from lightning. But scientists have not been able to solve the mystery of why lightning can create these beautiful patterns.

Crop circle - Hoax or Real?
In 1991, two men from Southampton, England named Dave Chorley and Doug Bower claimed to have been making crop circles since 1976. They made these crop circles using only a board, stakes, and rope. According to them, just by using this simple tool, they can make a circle with a diameter of 12 meters in just 15 minutes.

The September 23, 1991 issue of Time magazine referred to Chorley and Bower's confessions as follows:

"This confession brings to an end one of the most popular mysteries that Britain and the world have ever witnessed"

Is it true that Time magazine's opinion? Has this mystery been solved?

Granted, many of these crop circles are man-made, but researchers are discovering characteristics that would seem impossible for humans to create.

Crop Circle - Characteristics
The characteristics found on the original crop circle are as follows:

The stalks of wheat are not broken
In the original crop circle, the wheat plant is not broken. He just ducked like a heated plastic spoon. According to the researchers, this could be caused by electromagnetic pulses rushing towards the wheat plant to increase the humidity of the wheat stalk which allows it to bend without breaking.

Tiny holes in wheat stalks
Another feature is the presence of small holes in the stalks of wheat. The researchers suspect that these holes are created by continuous bursts of microwaves that cause the moisture in the wheat stalk to turn into hot steam which then finds its way out of the wheat stalk.

Intricate Pattern
Indeed, humans who try to make crop circles are capable of making complex patterns, but not overnight. Real crop circles sometimes have strange geometric patterns for most people.

Magnetized Micro Iron Particles
Another feature that is almost impossible for humans to imitate is the existence of magnetic iron particles which were first discovered by researchers from the BLT Institute. The magnetic iron particles have a diameter of 10-50 micrometers and are evenly and linearly distributed around the crop circle perimeter. According to the researchers, these iron particles may appear due to the creation of an ionized air column (Plasma Vortex).

Changes in the crystalline structure of wheat stalks
Another feature is the change in the crystalline structure of the wheat plant. This character is almost certainly not imitated by others.

Changes in the chemical composition of the soil
Other researchers also found that in several cases there was a change in the chemical composition of the soil where crop circles were created.

The emergence of a mysterious magnetic field at the location
In real crop circles, there is generally a very strong magnetic field within the formation circle. This magnetic field can turn off electrical equipment. These characteristics are not found in man-made crop circles.

Crop Circle - Science Challenge
In 2002, the Discovery Channel commissioned 5 aeronautic and astronautic engineers from MIT to build the Crop Circle. The condition is that they have to make a crop circle that has at least 3 characteristics, namely:

1. Unbroken stalk of wheat
2. There are steam holes on the stalks of wheat
3. The presence of iron particles with a diameter of 10-50 micrometers, which are spread evenly linearly in the Crop circle formation.

The team then made a crop circle, then tried to enter the 3 characters above. They used a microwave emitter to increase the temperature of the wheat stalks until they turned into steam. They then used a flamethrower to spray the iron particles. However, the equipment turned out to be too time-consuming and ineffective, so they had to use pyrotechnics to spread the iron particles evenly.

With all the advanced technology used, the MIT engineers were only able to produce 2 features perfectly. The third feature is that the iron particles are not evenly distributed.

After all, according to Crop Circle researchers, the teams used advanced science and equipment that were clearly beyond the reach of other hoaxers.

Not only in England, experiments on reproducing crop circles were actually carried out by a Japanese researcher named Y. Ohtsuki (crop circles appeared in rice fields in Japan).

He did succeed in creating the original character of a crop circle by dropping a plasma fireball onto a disc sprinkled with aluminum dust. Yes, even simple characteristics require quite complicated knowledge.

Once upon a time, researchers trying to recreate crop circles with all their characteristics used a 40 ton crane just to install lighting so they could work at night. The attraction attracted many curious spectators.

Real crop circles appear without such attractions and crowds. They just appear suddenly. So modern science still cannot perfectly explain this phenomenon.

Any other explanation offered?

Crop Circle - Another Explanation
For others, when science fails to unravel the secrets of crop circles, they come to an alternative explanation, which is that crop circles are made by aliens.

In 1966 there was an extremely strange report. In a small town in Tully, Queensland, Australia, a sugarcane farmer reported a UFO flying from the reeds. When he investigated the location of the UFO flight, he saw the reeds above the swamp water where it was ducking in a clockwise circular pattern. Incredibly, the braid created from the reeds is able to support the weight of 10 adult men.

In England, several eyewitnesses have seen an unidentified flying object on the night the Crop circle appeared.

Are Crop circles are UFO trails left behind? Or is it a secret code that you want to convey to mankind? Of course no one can say for sure.

However, this suspicion was made even hotter due to the confession of a former police sergeant in England who admitted that farmers in England were paid by the military to immediately bulldoze crop circles as soon as they appeared.

Does the British military know something that shouldn't be disclosed?

I think, contrary to the notion of Time magazine. This mystery will live on in this modern age, until we actually get scientific evidence that is solid and makes sense. Or, is the mowing devil right? Could it be that crop circles are actually created by Satan himself?
